
发几首夜愿的歌 希望大家喜欢(第一次发帖,请见谅)


发几首夜愿的歌 希望大家喜欢(第一次发帖,请见谅)

  乐队风格:Heavy metal(重金属) Progressive metal(前卫金属) Symphonic metal(交响金属) Power meatal(力量金属)
  1996年七月的一个夜晚,当Tuomas与他的朋友们在树林里坐在篝火旁聚会的时候,Nightwish这个想法第一次出现在他们的脑海里,他们当时就创作了三首歌曲并于当年12月录制了出来.最初乐队的成员只有三人Tuomas,Tarja和Emppu.后来大家觉的这些歌需要有鼓声,因此Jukka也加入了进来.Emppu将原来的箱琴换成了电琴,Nightwish又创作了些新歌,他们在97年4月花了一星期的时间录制了7首作品.97年乐队与Spinefarm签订了两张专辑的合约.这样他们又创作了4首作品.其中Carpenter这首歌登上了芬兰单曲榜的第8位.97年11月乐队首张专辑Angels FallFirst正式发行,听众反映良好,但乐队很快就停止了活动。Emppu和Jukka要服兵役而Tarja要完成学业.大家与公司协商后延长了合同并将专辑数量变为三张.98年5月公司为Nightwish发布了Carpenter等歌的Video.而同年夏天,贝司手SamiVanska加入到乐队中.8月Nightwish备齐人马开始了新的工作.先录制了单曲的video,到12月7日,乐队至今最成功的专辑Oceanborn发布了.它登上了专辑榜第五名,其中单曲sacrament ofwilderness成功的坐上了单曲榜的头把交椅.Nightwish开始全国巡演,等到99年春天,Oceanborn在海外成功发行.乐队在欧洲特别是德国极受欢迎,所有作品全部热卖,他们开始参加大型音乐节并进行欧洲巡演了.
  2000年Nightwish开始制作自己的第三张专辑,可乐队在欧洲电视网芬兰歌曲大赛中的参赛歌曲Sleep Walker牵扯了大家的精力不得不暂停工作,最终Sleep Walker得到了第二名,而公众评判则是第一名.同年乐队的最新大碟Wishmaster终于发布.一经售卖立刻登上了芬兰排行榜首位,并停留了三个星期.而且被德国Rock Hard评为了2000年6月的最佳大碟(超过了Bon Jovi和iron Maiden的新专辑)并成为金唱片.
  《Angels Fall First》是乐队的首张大碟,并取得了不俗的成绩。很快这几个芬兰人又带来了新作《Oceanborn》。tarja的女声还是那么特别,把古典元素细致的融入金属乐,与Therion不同的是,Tarja 的音质更富冒险。她更多的按单音节清晰发音,一个完整使用元音歌剧花腔女高音似乎更适合这种交响力量金属。个人也更乐意听到她这 种歌剧层次化的嗓音,特别是在类似"Swanheart"和"Walking in the air"这样的歌曲中。
  当然,如果你听过本世纪2大歌剧女高音Maria callas和Kirsten flagstad会领略到更精深的唱腔,但在金属一派,能与Tarja匹敌的还真不多。
  如前面所提,Nightwish玩的是交响力量金属,这很容易让人想到他们的另一支芬兰金属同伴--Stratovarius。特别是"Swanheart"中的长笛旋律段;类似"Stargazers"和"Gethsemane"中的器乐合奏;"Devil And The Deep Dark Ocean"中走出的跳跃、清馨的节奏;而"Moondance"更是一首俄罗斯民族旋律穿梭其间的器乐曲。美仑、一致的歌曲创作和清晰的唱片制作无疑是锦上添花。

bye bye beautiful
[ mp3]http://www.wramag.com/music/nw/Dark_Passion_Play/202.mp3[/mp3]
finally the hills are without eyes
they are tired of painting
a dead man s face
a red red red of the blood
we used to love
having so much to lose
blink your eyes just once
and see everything in ruins
did you ever hear what i told you?
did you ever read what i wrote you?
did you ever listen to what we played?
did you ever let in what the world said?
did we get this far just to feed your hate?
did we play to become only pawns in the game?
how blind can you be? don t you see?
you choose the long road, but we ll be waiting
bye bye beautiful!

jacob's ghost for the girl in white
blindfold for the blind
dead siblings walking the dying earth
noose around a choking heart
eternity torn apart
slow toll now the funeral bells
"i need to die to feel alive"
did you ever hear what i told you?
did you ever read what i wrote you?
did you ever listen to what we played?
did you ever let in what the world said?
did we get this far just to feed your hate?
did we play to become only pawns in the game?
how blind can you be? don t you see?
you choose the long road, but we'll be waiting
bye bye beautiful!

it's not the tree that forsakes the flower,
but the flower that forsakes the tree
someday i'll learn to love these scars
still fresh from the red-hot blade of your words
how blind can you be? don t you see?
how blind can you be? don t you see?
how blind can you be? don t you see?
don't you so
that we can't stop destiny
did you ever hear what i told you?
did you ever read what i wrote you?
did you ever listen to what we played?
did you ever let in what the world said?
did we get this far just to feed your hate?
did we play to become only pawns in the game?
how blind can you be? don t you see?
you choose the long road, but we ll be waiting
bye bye beautiful!
bye! bye! bye! bye!

[ mp3]http://www.wramag.com/music/nw/Dark_Passion_Play/103.mp3[/mp3]
baptised with a perfect name
the doubting one by heart
alone without himself
war between him and the day
need someone to blame
in the end, little he can do alone
you believe but what you see
you receive but what you give
caress the one, the never-fading
rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow
caress the one, the hiding amaranth
in a land of the daybreak
apart from the wandering pack
in this brief flight of time we reach
for the ones, whoever dare
you believe but what you see
you receive but what you give
caress the one, the never-fading
rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow
caress the one, the hiding amaranth
in a land of the daybreak
caress the one, the never-fading
rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow
caress the one, the hiding amaranth
in a land of the daybreak
reaching, searching for something untouched
hearing voices of the never-fading calling
caress the one, the never-fading
rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow
caress the one, the hiding amaranth
in a land of the daybreak
caress the one, the never-fading
rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow
caress the one, the hiding amaranth
in a land of the daybreak

Last Of The Wilds
[ mp3]http://cdn1-89.projectplaylist.com/e1/static10/349/2045673.mp3[/mp3]
http://cdn1-89.projectplaylist.com/e1/static10/349/2045673.mp3 希望大家喜欢

[ 本帖最后由 ppddaill 于 2009-3-28 14:10 编辑 ]


版主啊 我发的帖子是不是有什么问题啊 我都弄了半个多小时了 还是没播放器出来




嗯 ,听到了,歌曲蛮有韵味的!

[ 本帖最后由 007008000 于 2009-3-28 14:42 编辑 ]


没问题`我刚刚去学习了一下 应该是我还没有到1级 所以不能用代码 等我升级后就可以出播放器了

呵呵  是吗  我觉得这几首歌都挺不错的  不过我身边的朋友没几个喜欢歌特金属的  唉

[ 本帖最后由 ppddaill 于 2009-3-28 14:45 编辑 ]






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